Merrimack River Greenway Trail

Ways to Donate
The Friends of the Merrimack River Greenway Trail is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Your contribution may qualify as a tax-deductible contribution for federal income tax purposes. Our Tax ID Number is 45-3829131.
By credit card
Click the image to make a secure donation online with your credit or debit card.
New! We are now accepting donations through an account with "Zeffy", which offers donation processing services specifically and solely to nonprofits like Friends of the MRGT. (If you prefer to use PayPal, see below.)
When you donate by credit card, through Zeffy, 100 percent of your donation goes to building the trail. Your entire donation is tax deductible.
Please note: While Zeffy doesn't assess fees from donors or nonprofits, they do invite donors to pay a voluntary fee, which goes straight to them. When you donate, the payment screen will suggest a voluntary fee. You can decrease it, increase it, or simply change the amount to zero.

By check
Please make your check payable to “Friends of the MRGT” and mail to:
Friends of the MRGT
PO Box 954
Concord, NH 03302
Please enclose your email address so we can add your name to our contact list and send you occasional updates.
When you pay by check, 100 percent of your donation goes to building the trail! Your entire donation is tax deductible.
By PayPal Giving Fund
Click the logo to make a secure donation online from your PayPal account.
We like donations made through the PayPal Giving Fund because they are passed on to us without PayPal fees deducted. PayPal Giving Fund donations may only be made by people who have a PayPal account of their own. Your donation is transferred from your PayPal account to our PayPal account without fees paid by either of us.
When you donate through the PayPal Giving Fund, 100 percent of your donation goes to building the trail! (Note that PayPal Giving Fund donations can take up to a month to reach our account. You will receive an email “donation receipt” directly from the PayPal Giving Fund but you might not receive an acknowledgement from us right away.)
From a Donor Advised Fund
Donor-Advised Funds (DAF) are a tax-efficient way to manage charitable donations. Friends of the MRGT has partnered with three of the largest Donor-Advised Fund sponsor organizations in the United States. Clients of Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable and BNY Mellon can make a secure designation through the DAF Direct window by clicking on the logo above.
If your DAF is managed by a different organization, like the New Hampshire Charitable Fund (NHCF), go to that website or call your representative.
When you donate through the your own DAF, 100 percent of your donation goes to building the trail!
Employer Matching programs
eBay For Charity
If you have some valuable unused stuff hanging around, you can sell it using eBay and donate some or all of the proceeds to FMRGT, through a program called “eBay for Charity”. eBay waives all or part of your listing fees. One donor has already donated over $2,250 to FMRGT by selling used bike components through eBay!
Click on the logo to the left for more info.
Qualified Charitable Distributions
Consider a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from an IRA.
If you are at least age 70 ½, have an IRA, and plan to donate to charity this year, another consideration may be to make a QCD from your IRA. This action can satisfy charitable goals and allows funds to be withdrawn from an IRA without any tax consequences. A QCD can also be appealing because it can be used to satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD).
Click on the image to the left for more info.
Appreciated securities
Give appreciated securities, rather than cash.
Donations made by cash or check are, by far, the most common methods of charitable giving. However, contributing stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that have appreciated over time has become increasingly popular in recent years.
Most publicly traded securities with unrealized long‐term gains (meaning they were purchased more than a year ago and have increased in value) may be donated to 501(c)3 nonprofit, without the need to sell them first. When the donation is made, the donor can claim the fair market value as an itemized deduction on his or her federal tax return.
If either of these tax advantaged options appeal to you, please contact us for more information at Additionally, please consult your tax advisor to make sure these are right for you.
Click on the image to the left for more info.

About anonymous donations
We are proud of the support shown by our donors. We list them by name on our Honor Roll. If you want your donation to be anonymous, we understand. Please let us know.

Want to donate "in memory" or "in honor"?
If you want to donate "in memory of" or "in honor of" a special person, just add a note with your check or other donation and we will note it in our file and on our Honor Roll ($50, or more).