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Dream With Us!


We know there are plenty of charitable causes that can tug on your heartstrings at this time of year, but somewhere in the flurry of donation requests that are sure to come your way, would you please consider a donation to your Merrimack River Greenway Trail?



We are thrilled to announce that the City of Concord will construct a 1/3-mile long paved section of your Greenway Trailin Terrill Park!  You will be able to ride your bike, run, walk, rollerblade, XC ski on it and more by this time next year!  
Also, in 2019 we collaborated with Pan Am Railways and the Friends of the Northern Rail Trail to obtain an appraisal of the seven miles of the Northern Railroad corridor still owned by Pan Am.  Once acquired, this corridor will be converted to a rail trail that connects Downtown Concord with the 58-mile long Northern Rail Trail in Boscawen.  That's right.  We'll have both a greenway trail and a rail trail!



Getting to this point took a lot of coordination between the City of Concord and us.  In the coming year:

  • We will continue to help facilitate acquisition of the abandoned Pan Am rail corridor.  

  • We will continue to work with the the City and NHDOT to make sure the trail is properly woven into the widening of I-93 and the extension of Storrs Street.

  • We will continue to support the City’s goal to connect Downtown Concord and the Merrimack River with a pedestrian bridge over I-93 and the Merrimack River.

  • We will position ourselves to take advantage of other opportunities to develop the trail south of Terrill Park.  

These things take not only much personal effort of an all-volunteer board, but they take money too.  To date, we have spent over $68,000 on engineering design and permitting and we have committed to match a federal grant with $69,000 more toward construction in Terrill Park next year.
We have not had a major fundraising drive since 2017.  This year, we are asking for your help to launch into these next phases.
Your support is critical!  Please consider making a generous, tax deductible donation today!

Checks dated 2019 and on line donations received in 2019 will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $2,000, by the Board of Trustees.
Thank you very much for supporting Friends of the Merrimack River Greenway Trail!
Happy Trails!

The Board of Trustees

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